2020 (or The Age of Isolation)


            When the age of isolation first began, you were scared. You also had hope. If you all stood together by standing apart for two short weeks, you could slow the spread and save your sick and your old. You stood stunned at the emptiness of the streets.  You thought of new hobbies to pass the time. You took your dog on more walks. You cried some days when you watched the news. You learned how to make new recipes. You connected to old friends over the phone. You spent your stimulus check in one week. People stopped tipping extra for being essential. The air conditioning on your car broke.

You bought a gun.



            You had a feeling in your gut that it was a matter of time until things started to boil over. Three more months of isolation and no more stimulus checks in sight. Protests on TV changed into riots and violence begot violence. By the weekend, the riots were on your street and your grocery store was looted. Someone spray painted “ACAB” two feet from your bedroom window while you were asleep.

The homeless in front of your store started to multiply. You got a lot better at the shooting range. You were glad to see they were going to play baseball this year. Maybe the Pirates would be good this season? No - not even 2020 was crazy enough for that to happen.



            The election felt like a countdown to D-Day for you. By this point, it didn't matter what team won. Looks like idiots vs idiots again this year. Your money is on the idiots. One day you say to your coworker, “I can't wait till this shit's all over”. You almost cry. You feel like this is just the beginning. You go to buy more ammo and the price makes your jaw drop. You have to order it online now because the shooting ranges have all been out of stock for weeks. In times like this, the price is worth it to you. You are finally getting used to wearing a mask. The kids on campus go back to hanging out and going to the bars. You go to your first party since quarantine on Halloween. A frat kid across your street is shot in the head by a gangbanger trying to get into his house. They canceled Thanksgiving this year. Instead, you make crab legs.



            You start to feel better. They can’t cancel Christmas. The election will eventually end. Vaccinations will start soon. They promise another stimulus check. You go to the shooting range and wonder why no one else is there. On the drive home your best friend calls you and you find out why. The capitol is under attack. The news makes you cry again. You get your first haircut in a year. You get it cut short, so it doesn't get in the way anymore. The cold air feels good so close to your scalp.